If you are looking for a calendar that is simple and easy to use then consider the Calendar Pad. It allows you to create reminders, doodle, make lists, doodle, and even draw with a high quality interface on your screen. The graphics are of top notch quality and have a textured background that makes them look like paper. It also allows you to edit your appointments as well as share them to Facebook, Twitter, or email them out. In addition to these features, you can also download and use all the same applications that are available in the Google Play Store. This means that you can not only save money but also add a little bit of fun to your Android experience.
There are many free applications that you can download for your phone or tablet. These applications range from those that you can download for free from the Internet and others that you must pay for such as the Calendar Pad. When you download an application to your device you will be able to use it. This is nice because you don't have to install it to get it to work. However, there are some other reasons why you might want to buy the app. For example, if you want a calendar application that is very advanced then you may want to spend the money.
On the other hand, if you want something that is easy to use and can add some fun to your Android experience then you may want to download a free version of this app. You can customize this to look like paper and also download all the same applications that you can find in the Google Play Store. These are all things that the Android Market does not allow you to do. They are expensive and not meant for free apps. If you are a geek like me and want an extremely advanced calendar then the Calendar Pad is the way to go.